For those who are born and brought up in Indian households are accustomed to the following various superstitions. Although most of them sound nonsensical and obscure to us, most of them have a scientific reason behind them..

Do not cut nails after sunset

I'm sure you've heard this warning from your parents many times, In the past, when electricity was limited, people avoided cutting their nails after sunset for reasons of hygiene

Taking bath after attending last rites

A deceased body can be home to all kinds of bacteria or infections, and after burial, infections spread into the air..

Hanging lemon and chillis

We followed the Nimbu Mirchi ritual to ward off bad moods and spirits, but the superstition has a scientific reason. Lemon and chili have insecticides that keep insects away..

Don’t go near peepal tree at night

trees emit carbon dioxide at night. So the belief that spirits and ghosts live in the Peepal tree is not true, they can scare you during this time..
